Information according to § 5 TMG:

S. Franzen Söhne GmbH
Mühlenweg 42
D-40764 Langenfeld
Telephone: +49 (0) 2173 20051-0
E-Mail: info [at]

Sales tax identification number according to §27 a sales tax law:

Tax No.: 135/5761/0638
VAT ID No.: DE814918105

Register entry:

Entry in the commercial register
Register court: District court Düsseldorf
Register number: HRB 97375

Responsible for content, pursuant to Section 55 Para. 2 RStV:

Dr. Thomas Manth
Mühlenweg 42
40764 Langenfeld
Telephone: +49 (0) 2173 20051-0
E-Mail: info [at]

Dispute settlement:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):

You can find our e-mail address in the imprint above. We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer redress body.

Online content

S. Franzen Söhne GmbH does not assume any guarantee for the actuality, correctness, completeness or quality of the provided information. Liability claims against the author referring to material or imaginary character damages caused by the use or disuse of the presented information or the use of incorrect and incomplete information are strictly excluded provided that no demonstrable intentional or gross fault is present. All offers are subject to confirmation and without obligation. The author reserves the right to change, add or delete part of the product pages or the complete product information without special announcement and to temporarily or completely stop the publication.

References and links

Direct or indirect reference to foreign websites (“links”) outside of S. Franzen Söhne GmbH responsibility area will only lead to liability obligations if S. Franzen Söhne GmbH has knowledge of the content and if the company could have prevented the use of illegal content in a technically feasible and/or reasonable manner. S. Franzen Söhne GmbH hereby explicitly states that during linking the linked pages obviously did not show any illegal content. S. Franzen Söhne GmbH has no control over present or future designs, content or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore, the company disassociates itself explicitly from all contents of all linked pages which were altered after linking. This statement is valid for all links and references on our own internet site as well as foreign entries in S. Franzen Söhne GmbH guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists. Only the owner of the referred to website will be liable for illegal, faulty or incomplete content and particularly for damage resulting from the use or non-use of such presented information and not the party referring to links of the respective publication.


S. Franzen Söhne GmbH strives to respect the copyright of all used graphics, sound documentation, video sequencing and texts in all publications and to use company own graphics, sound documentation, video sequencing and text or to resort to license-free graphics, sound documentation, video sequencing and text. All mentioned and third party protected marks and trademarks are unconditionally subject to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the titles of the registered owner. Simply naming the trademark does not protect against third-party rights. The copyright for published and by S. Franzen Söhne GmbH designed objects belongs exclusively to S. Franzen Söhne GmbH. The duplication or use of such graphics, sound documentation, video sequencing and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not allowed without S. Franzen Söhne GmbH explicit consent.